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Seasonal Positions

Sage Sustainable Electronics

Sage is currently recruiting for seasonal help in both our Columbus, OH and Reno, NV locations. Flexible schedules are available, with both full time hours and part time hours. The Reno, NV location offers 2nd shift as well.
Positions available are warehouse associates, assembly technicians and computer repair technicians.
Season will run from mid-May through mid to late August.
Job Types: Part-time, Temporary
Pay: $14.00 - $15.00 per hour
Benefits: Flexible schedule
Schedule: Monday to Friday
Click here to download the Warehouse Associate job description.
Click here to download the Computer Repair Technician job description.

Who We Are
Sage Sustainable Electronics leads the market in sustainable IT asset management and disposition (ITAD) by reusing more and recycling less. We serve Global 2000 and mid-market companies with a passion to make IT greener and more rewarding.

Woman-owned and with more than 30 years of experience. Every year, businesses retire millions of used-but-still-useful technology products, creating the fastest growing business and consumer waste stream in the world. We strategically and passionately help companies reuse more and recycle less than anyone else in the industry.

Job Types: Full-time, Part-time

Pay: R$14.00 - R$15.00 per hour

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